All posters should be in English (no need for Czech version of text, our audiences all speak English).
SIZE A4 or A3 is best for posters as space can be limited.
How many posters and flyers should I bring with me to Prague?
We are a boutique festival with 5 small to mid-sized venues so we usually recommend bringing no more than 50 posters and 500 flyers with you. Of course it's up to your if you'd like to bring more, but this is what we recommend based on previous experience.
Our Print and Branding team will put up at least one poster per Fringe venue, and you may want to distribute some yourselves in cafes and bars around the Fringe area (see 'Print Materials During the Festival' for a map of suggested locations)
Printing in Prague
If you'd like to print your posters and flyers when you arrive in Prague, we recommend Copy General.
Their website is only in Czech (can be translated via Google Translate) but their staff usually speak English. You can send them your files in advance, or bring them with you via USB.
Unfortunately it's not possible to send your posters to us in advance. The postal system has become much more complicated since Brexit and we don't want to risk having important materials held up at customs when they're needed in the venues.
What should I include on my flyers and posters?
PRAGUE FRINGE LOGO – Download from page 'Press'
GOOUT LOGO (our ticket agents) – Download zip file here
VENUE ADDRESS – See 'Fringe venue names and addresses' above under 'General Information'
FRINGE WEBSITE and ticket text 'More information and tickets at:'
(don't use
SHOW DATES (figures rather than words, we use the European format of DD/MM)
Start and finish times in 24-hour clock. Times (including end times) should match the format of the show times we send you (times are issued in February).
e.g. 27.05.– 01.06.2019 19:45–20:45
It is possible to include a QR code on your poster/flyer with a direct link to your dedicated page in the Fringe online programme. This enables potential audience members to go straight to the ticket purchase section just by scanning the code. You can learn more about creating and using QR codes here.
NOT TICKET PRICES - We advise companies to omit this as it makes things simpler – the prices vary (door vs pre-sale, students etc.)
Full info on buying tickets and prices will appear on-line.